Strategies to Improve Introverts Networking

Strategies to Improve Introverts Networking - Establishing relationships is an important factor in today's world of work. Especially for those who want to find work, job vacancy is now more widely spread from mouth to mouth. The problem is, not everyone is comfortable doing networking. Those who are introverted often feel nervous and intimidated when they meet people. Read More: How Introvert Adapt in Workplace
Strategies to Improve Introverts Networking
Strategies to Improve Introverts Networking

The problem is, if you feel uncomfortable, you will be difficult also make a good impression. But, do not worry because the art of networking can be learned through the following ways.

Talk about strength.

Find out what your most prominent abilities are and talk about them when you are in a relationship. Make sure that they get a good impression about yourself, but remember to do not overdo it. Read More: Introvert Strength is Sometimes Hardly to Recognize by Extrovert

Start 30 seconds.

Uncomfortable talking a lot can be trained by having a short conversation. Think about what you want to talk about for 30 seconds. Reveal it simply. Briefly describe your current job, future work goals, and reasons.

Starting from the comfort zone. 

Generally, you think big events as the main place to look for networking opportunities. In fact, there are many other ways of networking. Can also be done to smaller groups. Also, do not need to directly face each other. You can communicate with them be by phone, email, Skype, or FaceTime. For example, if you want to by email, start with a short introduction and ask about the experience of the intended person - how long have they been working or what they liked from their work. 


Think what information you want to get from the people who are in the relationship. Begin by inquiring about the latest news and conditions and slowly get the information about job opportunities for you. Still, don't push them too much.

Help others reach their goals.

Always remember the saying "you get what you give." If you are sincerely willing to help other colleagues, they may even help you, even when you least expect it.
